Saturday, February 25, 2006


"This is a webpage were I share my sense of humor and my faith. I do not believe my site should be a place for frankly sick anti-Christian comments. I am offended and shocked at the perpatraitors. Comments against another's beliefs is the highest of all insults and should stop. My site is designed for my good friends; Christian friends, and non-Christian friends; who are open and excepting. Things should change. I believe in free speech, but when free speech means unitelligent jibes it is not free speech but mindless. I am proud of my faith and my circle of friends and I wish to keep it that way whatever anyone associated says against." — John H. Hanna

"I believe in an America where religious intolerance will someday end — where all men and all churches are treated as equal — where every man has the same right to attend or not to attend the church of his choice...and where Catholics, Protestants and Jews...will refrain from those attitudes of disdain and division which have so often marred their works in the past, and promote instead the American ideal of brotherhood." — John F. Kennedy, "Address To Southern Baptist Leaders," 1960



Anonymous said...

you suck

Anonymous said...

me again. you still suck

Anonymous said...

See You in Heaven. We'll discuss it further there.

scaryfeet1 said...

Amazing. Very true.