Thursday, February 09, 2006

WHO SAYS WE'RE TO HAVE HOME RULE? Come to Belfast and we'll shew 'em

MAYDAY! MAN THE LIFE BOATS! PREPARE THE CATAPULTS! It appears that support for a united Ireland; as solution to the Northern Ireland's issues is rapidly growing according to our poll; with a massive 2 votes [see bottom of webpage]! TO THE PARAPETS! MAN THE BOILING OIL!

Free polls by



Between 2 and 4pm today my website was hijacked by left wing radical 'friends' from school after an electronic coup! Thankfully rerinforcements arrived in the form Head of U6th Form Mr 'My Hero' Coffey! Apologies for any 'interesting' content during that period.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

US CONSTITUTION: The Second Amendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." U. S. Constitution.


This whole cartoon thing is getting really out of hand... It's not like we in N. Ireland take religion to the extreme... Is it? Read this Sky News article; extremely thought provoking. [Picture of UK protestor who dressed as suicide bomber for London protest.]

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

SESAME STREET! They're coming... to the parapets!


BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - Roman Catholic and Protestant children start learning to fear and loathe each others' communities as young as 3 years old, a newly published study found Tuesday, blaming parents and Northern Ireland's religiously divided school system.
"The surprising thing is how quickly these attitudes start to be expressed, almost as soon as they can talk," said Paul Connolly, lead author of the report based on questioning of 352 children aged 3 to 6. "You could imagine children drawing some of these distinctions at age 10, not 3."
Connolly's research team found that boys and girls from the British Protestant and Irish Catholic sides of society are absorbing their communities' prejudices by age 5, when they enter elementary schools that keep them almost entirely segregated in two separate systems. Only 4 percent of primary-age children in Northern Ireland are educated in religiously mixed schools.
"Our results, frankly, condemn the overall structure of Northern Ireland society," said Connolly, a University of Ulster sociologist. The Englishman, who lives in religiously polarized north Belfast with his wife and three preschool children, says they'll soon face tough choices about finding "neutral" schooling.
The study, conducted by the University of Ulster, was commissioned by the government-funded Community Relations Council, which tries to promote better relations between the communities.
The survey at 44 elementary schools and nurseries throughout Northern Ireland involved showing children pictures and objects, and asking them what they knew about each and whether they liked or disliked them. Subjects with sectarian connotations included Irish and British flags, Protestant Orangemen parading, different soccer teams' uniforms, and Catholic girls in an Irish dancing class.
The approach mirrored a 1999 study of the attitudes of Israeli and Palestinian children, which was commissioned by Children's Television Workshop in New York. The makers of "Sesame Street," the workshop produced an Israeli-Palestinian joint television venture in Arabic and Hebrew, in which peaceful coexistence was key.
As with the Middle Eastern research, the Northern Ireland report concluded that youngsters in divided societies need specially designed educational packages to counteract the parochial prejudice of their immediate environment.
"If young children are encouraged to appreciate and respect diversity then they may well be less likely to develop negative attitudes in the future," the report concludes. "It is certainly far better than simply leaving children to learn about other communities from their peers."
This was the first study of its kind in Northern Ireland to analyze the opinions of the extremely young. Other research in the past three decades of political-religious turmoil has focused on older children, and particularly the trauma they have suffered from witnessing violence.
Connolly said he hadn't expected the youngest children to draw clear tribal distinctions, but some 3- and 4-year-olds already did — and added derogatory commentary unprompted. He said many more interviewees probably held back sectarian opinions, because they were talking to strangers.
"I like the people who are ours. I don't like those ones because they are Orangemen. They're bad people," the report quoted one 4-year-old Catholic girl as saying when shown a picture of the Protestant organization on parade.
"Catholics are the same as masked men. They smash windows," suggested a 4-year-old Protestant girl, when discussing whether she knew what a Catholic was.
Connolly said the two groups of children expressed statistically significant preferences when presented with the red, white and blue British flag versus the Irish tricolor of green, white and orange. Among 3-year-olds, 64 percent of Catholics already preferred the Irish flag, while 59 percent of Protestants favored the British.
"The fact that we've got 3-year-old children developing attitudes like this shows that you shouldn't dump all the responsibility on the divided schools. Some responsibility clearly lies with the family and local community," Connolly said.
But he said the divided schools appeared to exacerbate sectarian opinion. "The proportion of children making overtly sectarian statements rises exponentially in ages 5 and 6, the two first years of formal schooling," he said.
Another part of the survey found that Catholic children preferred Irish names — Seamus, Fionnuala and Sinead — while the Protestants disliked those in comparison with Protestant-preferred names: Craig, Alison and Stewart. This tendency increased with age.

Find out more at The Ireland Fund's webpage.

BUY BOOK! Before all remaining copies are pulped to make syringes to 'put-down' puppies

[WARNING: The following post may contain some 'lies'...]
After being removed from Queen's Uni. Bookshop webpage 'A Man Stepped Out for Death: Thomas Russell and Co. Down' is still available. It has been reported that some of the authors have been forced into prostitution while others have sunk even lower to actually signing copies of the book and selling them to U6th students to cancel debts.
Although the authors were politely 'asked' to purchase remaining books (before legal action would ensue), there are some books available to purchase on At present exchange rates the best deal (for the authors) may be found at at €7.67 (thats £5.265 in real money- tut Southerner's!). PLEASE BUY COPIES OR PUPPIES WILL DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!

Monday, February 06, 2006


Ulster Television: "Sugar-coated news"

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Can some one explain to me what's going on? The Independent Monitoring commission (IMC) says the Provisional's (IRA) still have guns and are involved in crime, intelligence gathering and minor terrorism. The Independent International Committee on Decommisioning (IICD) says there not sure. The U. S. administration (Yanks) are keeping quiet, the UK government (Brits) says everything is fine and the Irish governments' (their clean...) retreated behind the border...


Question: Why did the chicken cross the road?

UUP/SDLP Joint statement: We believe that only by working together in unison, and with the majority of the people of this island, the British and Irish Governments and our friends overseas behind us, can we find the answer to this question. If we do not, or cannot, then our children will rightfully ask us the question, 'So why did the chicken cross the road?'
SINN FEIN: That would be a matter for the chicken. Sinn Fein and the chicken are not part of the same organisation, although we share some ideals. If there are presently any chickens in Sinn Fein, we are not aware of it.
ORANGE ORDER: The chicken is entitled to walk in a peaceful manner on the Queen's Highway. It's a traditional route. Anyone who tries to deny the chicken his rights to walk on the road will find the road blocked at both ends until the chicken is allowed to walk in a dignified and non-threatening manner, without accompanying bands if need be.
DUP: We are implacably opposed to the chicken crossing the road until the chicken's armaments have been removed and the chicken itself declares it's diabolical intentions.
IRA: On behalf of the people of Ireland, we reserve the right to defend the roads of the island against the chicken. For 800 years the Irish People have resisted the imposition of chickens by force of arms and shall continue to do so until the chicken is expelled from our land. Anyone collaborating with the chicken, or assisting or enabling the imposition of road crossing by chickens, will be deemed legitimate targets in our struggle against tyranny.
LOYALIST FORCES: We, the loyal defenders of Ulster roads, reserve our right to retaliate against any precipitory hostile actions by the chicken. We shall meet this with deadly force. (A donation to the Loyalist Prisoners Association will ensure free passage of the chicken with respect to the road and the crossing thereof, till the same time next month anyhow. Do chickens have kneecaps?)
THE HOME SECRETARY, UK GOV.: While not normally commenting on security matters, Her Majesty's Government feels it is right and proper, in this instance, to make a statement on this affair. - Members of the Special Air Services involved in a covert anti-terrorist operation on the road at 8:42 this morning observed the chicken attempting to cross the road. As the chicken was approached by one of the soldiers involved, it was seen to make a threatening movement and action was taken to nullify that action. It has not been ascertained why the chicken was crossing the road, and it seems unlikely that we will now discover the motive.

THE GOOD-OLD DAYS N. Ireland 1997-2001

I've just been reminiscing about the good-old days in N. Ireland; when all eyes were on N. Ireland, U. S. Presidents flew in and out as if it were a second home, First Minister David Trimble and Deputy First Minister Mark Durkan, peace protesters, N. I. Assembly, peaces albums by Irish rock and pop stars, cool-Britania, the 'Yes Campaign', the days when we all thought P. M. Blair was just one of the lads, Bono just couldn't help joining in, Secretary of State's for N. Ireland who were actually likeable and of course the Good Friday Agreement. I wonder will these days ever return? Now we're faced with Stormontgate, MI5 agents, P. M. Blair with grey-hair, 'incomplete' de-commissioning, no David Trimble... Although relative peace; no stability. Can we trust anyone... I think my Mum might be working for British Intelligence. TO THE PARAPETS!


Arnold Schwarzenegger needs your help.
The Governator's campaign fund is running a bit low and all Visitors to this site are invited to contribute to his campaign.
Mr Schwarzenegger would appreciate you sending on this LINK to any wealthy friends or relatives and please don't mention his multi-million dollar fortune.


Is it just me or does Mr Dawson look really like new U.S. Supreme Court Justice; Justice Samual Alito? I pose the question; have you ever seen them both together?


Coretta Scott King was a gracious and courageous woman, an inspiration to millions and one of the most influential civil rights leaders of our time... she was absolutely an anchor and support for her husband.
"There is a spirit and a need and a man at the beginning of every great human advance. Every one of these must be right for that particular moment of history, or nothing happens." CORETTA SCOTT KING


Posted with a tongue firmly in cheek!!!! We're on the lookout for a new Down High School Scripture Union slogan for advertising and marketing purposes, something along the lines of: "Scripture Union: I cant believe it's not Christianity", "Scripture Union: Tried sex, drugs, rock and roll? Feeling empty? Then come to S. U. and do it all over again!", "Scripture Union: We make it up as we go along", "Scripture Union: Doctrine's? What Doctrine's", "Scripture Union: Christianity with only half the moral's!" or my personal favourite; "Scripture Union: There for when you realise atheism is just really boring".
[Above pic of some random unionist's (Scripture Unionist's!!!!)]


Do we really need 'Brits' i. e. G. B. Army units in N. Ireland?


I'm not proud to admit it but for a few brief moments of 2005 Barry Scott was my hero... UNTIL I FOUND OUT HE WAS AN ACTOR PRETENDING TO BE A CELEBRITY! Yes Barry Scott is actually an actor called Neil Burgess. The affect on me was devastating, similar to the feeling a follower of Hare Krishna would feel if someone told them it was actually Trevor McDonald in a wig. The 'Cillit Bang' adverts' highlight a growing number of absurd advertisements which invite the viewer to discuss the absurdity of the marketing with friends; 'viral advertising'! i. e. "Jeff did you see that advert with that Brit tool on it: Barry watshisname..." "I Davy he's a nut"" etc. The very fact that Jeff and Davy are discussing the commercial the marketers have won!!! THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!

SHOCK DISCOVERY! Surely not...



Down High School History Curriculum (the same in most N. I. Grammar's):
Form 3: NAZIS
Form 4: NAZIS
Form 5: NAZIS
Form 6: NAZIS
Form U6: NAZIS

Makes you wonder...


"Proof that Blair really sucks/blows!" If you can do better than this rather bad attempt at comedy leave a comment!