Look I really don't get this!!!! Which is it Derry or Londonderry? Why in the 21st century can we not sort this out... I mean it's been an issue for over 400 hundred years. It's not like P. M. Maggie Thatcher forced the name on 'Doire' (that's Derry in Irish... I'm so PC!) just to annoy the catholic population, I mean the name was given to the town as an honor from the London Corporation for surviving the siege of Derry, what's wrong with that? If it really matters that much why don't we rename a predominately unionist city as a compromise, i. e. Dublinlisburn! I have no problem saying Derry but I always feel awkward it's as if I'm trying to make some kind of political statement! I'M NOT! It's shorter! How come people can say "I'm heading up to Ards" meaning Newtownards without it turning into some kind of demonstration against 'the British occupation of Ireland'? MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!