Is it just me or does Mr Dawson look really like new U.S. Supreme Court Justice; Justice Samual Alito? I pose the question; have you ever seen them both together?
Scaryfeet is an outlet for the wacky, sometimes crazy thoughts from the complex mind that makes up; JOHN HANNA! "There are [WOOO!] some [CHEER] webblogs out there [AMEN BROTHER], but amongst the best is Scaryfeet. [CHEER]" Martin Luther King, Jr. "I looked, but I did not read" Bill Clinton "Ich bin ein Scaryfeet... The ahhh webpage, or rather webblog is something that ahhh, all free people should support" JFK "What [inaudible] Scaryfeet? No! [inaudible] [burp] Vodka! [passes out]" Boris Yeltsin
No one will ever be as attractive as Ken Dawson
Dawson will be informed and you will be prosecuted for libel. If you thought that the Islamic reaction to cartoons of Mohammed were bad wait till you feel the wrath of the mighty ken...watch this space ginger infidel
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