I'm not proud to admit it but for a few brief moments of 2005 Barry Scott was my hero... UNTIL I FOUND OUT HE WAS AN ACTOR PRETENDING TO BE A CELEBRITY! Yes Barry Scott is actually an actor called Neil Burgess. The affect on me was devastating, similar to the feeling a follower of Hare Krishna would feel if someone told them it was actually Trevor McDonald in a wig. The 'Cillit Bang' adverts' highlight a growing number of absurd advertisements which invite the viewer to discuss the absurdity of the marketing with friends; 'viral advertising'! i. e. "Jeff did you see that advert with that Brit tool on it: Barry watshisname..." "I Davy he's a nut"" etc. The very fact that Jeff and Davy are discussing the commercial the marketers have won!!! THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!
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