I live there! Ireland's got it all, especially N. Ireland!
Scaryfeet is an outlet for the wacky, sometimes crazy thoughts from the complex mind that makes up; JOHN HANNA! "There are [WOOO!] some [CHEER] webblogs out there [AMEN BROTHER], but amongst the best is Scaryfeet. [CHEER]" Martin Luther King, Jr. "I looked, but I did not read" Bill Clinton "Ich bin ein Scaryfeet... The ahhh webpage, or rather webblog is something that ahhh, all free people should support" JFK "What [inaudible] Scaryfeet? No! [inaudible] [burp] Vodka! [passes out]" Boris Yeltsin
I don't find this log funny
Thanks Tim... I find you and your website repulsive! But God loves you! --l- [Only joking! I'll see you at school... though I'll probably see you first... make sure to check under your car for 'devices'...] ALL COMMENT WELCOME! FREE SPEECH FOR ALL... (except Nazis and Soviets.)
If you don't find it funny - GO AWAY
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